腺病毒純化套組Vivapure® AdenoPACK™_Sartorius台灣代理.供應商【啟新生物科技】

重組腺病毒載體(Recombinant adenovirus vectors)是目前效率最好的基因轉殖系統之一,然而傳統的 CsCl 載體回收法費時而冗長,Vivapure® AdenoPACK™ Kit 則採用最新的濾膜技術與試劑系統,將 digestion、virus binding、washing、elution、concentration 等步驟在2小時之內執行完畢,最多可於 HEK293 細胞中回收達 3 x 1013 的病毒量,回收率為 65-80%,最終體積 1 ml。

Sartorius 腺病毒純化套組Vivapure AdenoPack01.jpg  

Fast and Easy to use Kits for Adenovirus Purification Recombinant adenovirus vectors are the preferred method for a wide range of gene delivery applications. The
AdenoPACK™ adenovirus purification and concentration kits offer researchers who need to recover up to 3 x 1013 purified recombinant adenovirus particles for in-vitro transfection a fast, safe and easy to use solution. The kits include all reagents and devices necessary for clarification, purification and concentration of adenovirus type 5 from HEK293 cell cultures in only two hours. These straight forward kits replace time-consuming and labor-intensive 48 hour CsCl density gradients.


啟新生物科技網頁介紹 : 腺病毒純化套組Vivapure® AdenoPACK™_Sartorius台灣代理.供應商【啟新生物科技】


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