慢病毒純化套組Vivapure® LentiSELECT_Sartorius台灣代理.供應商【啟新生物科技】

慢病毒(Lentivirus)載體系統亦是現今常見的轉殖技術之ㄧ。其傳統的純化方式與腺病毒載體純化相同,採用超高速離心法,但通常要耗費數十小時以上。而Vivapure® LentiSELECT kit將膜層析技術與試劑結合,在1小時之內可將VSV-G pseudotyped Lentivirus自HEK293細胞株中回收8 x 108 – 5 x 109之病毒數。

Sartorius 慢病毒純化套組Vivapure LentiSELECT01.jpg  

Fast and easy to use kits for Lentivirus purification The Vivapure® LentiSELECT 40 is a ready-to-use kit for purifying up to 8 x 108 viral particles from 40 ml cell culture. This easy-to-use product replaces time consuming ultracentrifugation methods. Like the AdenoPACK™ kits, this kit includes all reagents and devices necessary for purification and concentration of VSV-G pseudotyped Lentivirus from HEK293 cell culture supern atants in under 1 hours. Optimal recoveries are achieved due to an innovative membrane chromatography assembly, making the use of pre-filters for this configuration needless configuration obsolete.

啟新生物科技網頁介紹 :慢病毒純化套組Vivapure® LentiSELECT_Sartorius台灣代理.供應商【啟新生物科技】

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    Disagn W


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